
Dear America, I love you, now change.

Quick post on a couple of things that I think need to change in our country.  Let me state, we’re a great nation and I believe in US.– Immigration reform. It’s a numbers game and new people who believe and appreciate what the United States can do for them are needed.  Those 2 billion people […]


New Journalism: Staff writers must become day traders of content

My brother was in town this weekend for a bit of shenanigans.  He came by this morning while I was doing some work and saw my media monitoring dashboard.  I scour the web; listen for news, sentiment and such via Tweetdeck and Google Reader. He’s a systems engineer and designer for transit, first in New […]


Society for the Prevention of Isolation & General Malaise – Our first meeting.

Just had our first meeting of the Society for the Prevention of Isolation & General Malaise (SoPIG) It was a hit!  Inspired by 19th century clubs and societies that affected change in New York City I thought it would be a good idea to get my male friends together to have a man-meet up.  (If […]


Being completely moved – thoughts on Egypt.

I’ve been following the tumult of Egypt every evening for seven days now.  It has moved me in a profound way.  I am in awe of the courage being shown by every man and woman on the street.  I question my own ability to bring that kind of spirit and desire up in myself. As […]


Dear Americans, you aren’t alone in the world

If you were born in the United States and educated in the US you probably don’t know as much about the rest of the world as you should.  Its not our fault! We were never taught world history.  We spent years in school going over what amounted to a pop-up coloring book worth of world […]


Will Carroll’s Rndm Crap: Soshlsprts

willcarroll: The Daily launches tomorrow, promising a big rush of media hype and a new hope that people will support quality journalism. The thing is, while I’m curious about The Daily, I’m not too interested in another newspaper. Once a day content, even if it looks like the newspapers in Harry Potter, seems… Will Carroll’s […]


Being mega rich is wrong. Why Ayn Rand must be rejected.

1% of the world population owns 40% of the wealth. One percent! I find this to be morally bankrupt.  I am not a communist, a leveller or someone who supports the destruction of the motivation of wealth but I am concerned about the disparity of wealth globally.  As members of the human race, we cannot […]


Rob Neyer – I love you man! Thanking your Mentors

Do you have writers that you read everyday?  Do you feel as though they will be there no matter what?  That’s how I feel about Rob Neyer.  Rob Neyer has covered baseball as part of baseball section for as long as I have read about baseball on the Internet.  Today he has announced that […]


Consume all things Karl Pilkington

All Rickey Gervais fans know who Karl Pilkington is.  He’s the simple Manchester born common man who Rickey torments to no end.  You may have seen his cartoon likeness on latest Gervais show on HBO and found him entertaining.  Well, now he’s been turned up to eleven.  Watching Karl on on his new show “An […]


Canis Familiaris

canisfamiliaris: The most subversive protest of all: An Egyptian protestor kisses a riot police officer. (via kateoplis) This is absolutely wonderful. National Geographic Afgan Girl with Green Eyes moment.


Egypt – Why you should care about what’s happening.

Do you watch popular nightly news? You shouldn’t!  They don’t cover anything that is of any sort of long term importance.  What’s happening in Tunisia and Egypt will have major ramification for Americans…just not in 15 minutes.  Everything in our world is changing at a pace we can’t fathom.  What once was important changes faster […]


Re-image, re-boot and re-package. Re-evalute the speeches…

Innovation, competitiveness, sustainability, winning the future, playing to win, invest in the future…. We’ve been hearing these words a lot lately, from our President, from smart business men and just about every talking head on news media but what does it mean? While watching the State of the Union on Tuesday, President Obama used these […]


I just made it! Why you should keep on posting.

I’ve been on a blogging streak of nearly 3 weeks taking a break on Sundays.  As I was sitting here listening to sports radio, I thought “Bah,  no one is reading anyway I can skip a day”  But I thought about my commitment to myself, my commitment to the handful of people that read the blog (Thank […]


“Insert current technology” is ruining our children! Find out how to prevent it.

How many posts or articles have you read like this?  The longer you keep your eye on technology the more likely you’ve read that headline. From the telephone to radio on to the dreaded television and video games – new technology has raised the ire of those who grew up before it.    In a new […]


Why ask why? Because its vital, that’s why!

Quick post for today.  Why?  Because its so cold I can barely keep my fingers exposed to type. The best thing any of us can do as employees, learners or citizens is ask why. Why are we following a particular strategy? Why does a friend feel they way they do? Why our congressmen has voted […]


Are you a know it all? Quora is your chance to show off!

The biggest hot topic in the nerd news (i.e. tech news) is the rise of Quora.  Quora is a question and answer site that functions basically the way Yahoo Answers does (without sucking)  What’s made Quora so baddass so far is that the people using it are top notch experts (so far)  They have focused […]


Make this game and you will be rich!

Do you have ideas in your mind that you are CERTAIN will work? On occasion we all do. My latest idea is to make a user-generated game that uses persons photos as game pieces, think Elf-Yourself Meets Bejeweled. The pitch: People love photos and love sharing them.  Photos are one of the core functions of any good social […]


How I learned to love Google (and stop worrying about my privacy)

If you follow technology and internet business news over the last two years you might think that Google is a dying, sad company with no prospects.  The rise of Facebook, the curiosity that is Twitter and the continued brilliance of Apple has kept the spotlight on those three companies. They remain the must follow celebri-companies […]


Things I want to know.

Do you have lingering questions that never go awat? Things that are on your mind that you just need the answers for? I do.  A topic for a blog post requires work.  You need to read, scan the news and think about what you want to talk about.  Struggles for ideas can come and do […]


Oh No! I can’t do that, I’m scared – Facing fear and surviving

Have you denied yourself opportunities due to fear? Have you felt like the world will surely end if you have to do that one thing you’re afraid of?  We all have.  Fear is part of the human condition – is part of stress, its part of survival, its part of protection and its part of […]

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